By: The Missy Witt Documentary team
As we have mentioned in previous articles, Travis Crouch is a suspect in the abduction and murder of Melissa Witt.

Melissa disappeared from Bowling World on December 1, 1994. Her body was found 50 miles away in the Ozark National Forest on January 13, 1995. Melissa had been strangled.

One of the suspects, Travis Crouch was released from jail in another state in October of 1994. Once released from jail, Travis traveled to Arkansas.
According to investigators, Travis Crouch never provided an alibi for his whereabouts on December 1, 1994. There are witnesses that place him in Arkansas thru at least mid-December of 1994.
Records show that Crouch was arrested in New Orleans on either December 31 of 1994 or January 1st of 1995 -- the booking record was not clear due to the New Year's Eve holiday.

Regardless, Travis Crouch has never proven to law enforcement where he was on December 1st of 1994.
Please keep in mind that without verifiable proof of where Crouch was at that time -- he REMAINS a SUSPECT in the Melissa Witt murder investigation. (There are many reasons that Crouch is a suspect in this case. Please see previous posts regarding this information - https://www.facebook.com/whokilledmissywitt/).
It's important to also keep in mind that Travis Crouch has a long criminal history -- his past is filled with violence and sexual assault. He is currently in prison in Colorado because he kidnapped and brutally sexually assaulted a young woman. She escaped with her life when he passed out from a drug induced stupor in her car.

Below is news article dated July 8, 1998. This article ran in the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado.
This article touches on the sentencing phase of his trial in Colorado, along with an important point made by Judge Morris Sandstead. Our team believes this article sums up the man that is Travis Dale Crouch:
BOULDER -- A convicted rapist was sentenced to 64 years in prison Monday after a profanity-laced outburst that got him ejected from the courtroom.
``To hell with you,'' the 31-year-old Travis Dale Crouch shouted as District Court Judge Morris Sandstead ordered him removed.

Crouch's outburst came after he denied sexually assaulting a 20-year-old Broomfield woman on July 28, 1997.
``I never had any power over this girl,'' Crouch said. ``I didn't force sex on this person. I don't give a damn what anybody says.''
Just prior to handing down the sentence, Sandstead called Crouch ``a sexual predator and a danger to others.''
``No sentence that can be imposed by this court can make the defendant understand the depth of his criminality,'' Sandstead said.
Our documentary team is asking the public to come forward if you have any information on any of the following points:
1) The whereabouts of Travis Crouch during this time frame: November 30, 1994 thru December 15, 1994.
2) Any known associates of Travis Crouch in the Fort Smith, Ozark, Altus, and Clarksville, Arkansas areas.
3) Travis Crouch has been tied to the following areas in the 1990's:

New Orleans, Louisiana;
Phoenix, Arizona;
Flagstaff, Arizona;
Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina;
Charlotte, North Carolina;
Las Vegas, Nevada;
Cherry Grove, South Carolina;
North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina;
Denver, Colorado
If you have any information about Travis Crouch and the time he spent in those areas (or even a location we haven't mentioned), please contact our team.
We need to hear from you!