(Editors note: A few months back we were bringing you "Sex Offenders In Your Neighborhood" as a public service and we were met with some resistance from some individuals who presented various legal challenges to our methods and right to publish what is already public record. That has all been addressed and the feature will resume with this posting.)
Using a point starting at 3300 Grand Avenue and drawing a computer generated circle a quarter-mile from that starting point, Today in Fort Smith located twelve registered sex offenders living in ten different places.
Nine of the offenders are considered Level 2 Medium Risk while three are categorized as Level 1 Low Risk.
The area in question is bordered on the west by North 32nd Street to the east by North 37th Street and on a north-south axis from North L Street to Lecta Avenue.
This feature is intended as a public service to our readers and none of the listed offenders are currently wanted for any crimes.