Police in Tulsa are searching for a five-year-old that went missing in a domestic dispute and officials have classified the child as " missing and endangered".
After a divorce judge in Tulsa awarded full custody top the father of Khyren James Doolin on Friday ordering the the immediate return of the child from his mother. The mother has taken off with the five-year-old and police have issued a warrant for her arrest.
Kennetra Wiggins and Khyren are now the subject of a nationwide "BOLO" alert and have been entered into all the appropriate databases, according to officials.
Khyren Doolin is a 5 year old black male, about 3’ 2’’ weighing 40-45 pounds, long black hair, brown eyes, having a gap between his top 2 front teeth and missing his bottom 2 front teeth. He has visible eczema on his arms, waist, legs, and back. Khyren was last seen on August 1st.
He was wearing a Paw Patrol shirt, black and blue shorts, and black flip flops on Saturday, August 1st, 2020. This was when the father dropped the child off for the mother’s court ordered visitation.
Officers have made several attempts to locate them with no success. There is no vehicle associated with them at this time.
If you have any information about the whereabouts of Kennetra Wiggins or Khyren Doolin, please call the Tulsa Police Department non-emergency number (918-596-9222) and request a supervisor to return your call.