A 43-year-old northwest Arkansas career criminal who was already out on bail for a March arrest for felony possession of drug paraphernalia may have finally committed a crime .that will keep him prison for longer than two years of a six year sentence after an arrest last week.
July Savatdy Soulinthong, who has been banging out felonies like clockwork since the age of seventeen, was arrested July 2 on a warrant issued June 24 for two counts of Class Y Felony Rape. He stayed in jail over the holiday weekend and bond was set on Wednesday in a the amount of $25,000.
Soulinthong has has more than a dozen felony arrests in northwest Arkansas starring all the way back in 1993 and has been sent to prison at least four times with sentences totaling at least five years.
Unfortunately for his rape victim, in January of 2020 he negotiated a deal with the 4th Circuit 6th Division court and prosecutor Chloe Fackler for a suspended imposition on felony Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Failure to Appear charges from a 2019 arrest that meant he was out on the streets to commit his sex crime just a scant fifteen months later.
It appears he may have been recently released from the ADC on charges that occurred before the 2019 arrest.
Soulinthiog has been arrested for everything from drug charges to theft of property and on three occasions was sentenced to 72-months in the state prison system. Despite his habitual criminal nature, repeated second chances with suspended sentences and parole and illogical breaks doled out by the courts, he has seemingly never served more than three years consecutively for for any of this crimes in the past two and a half decades.
According to the arrest warrant, Soulinthong "unlawfully and knowingly engaged in sexual intercourse with another person who was incapable of consent because the victim was physically helpless".