Another Fort Smith neighborhood with a dozen Level 2 sex offenders highlighted
A sharp-eyed and loyal Today in Fort Smith readers has brought yet another concentration of registered sex offenders to our attention and asked that we highlight the neighborhood involved.
One dozen registered offender, all of them at Risk Level 2, reside within a one-half mile radius of a "starting point" of 4900 South 24th in the south central part of the city. The dozen offenders, all males, live in eleven different locations within the radius.
The offenders range in age from 29 to 72 years of age.
The area in question is bordered to the west at the intersection of South 20th and Utica to bear South 28th and Vicksburg to the west. Phoenix Avenue serves as the north boundary of the triangular-shaped area.
Inside this grid, the twelve residing offenders were convicted of a myriad of crimes, including Sexual Assault, Rape in the First Degree, Criminal Attempt, Sexual Indecency with a Child, Sexual Abuse (Engaged in sexual contact with a 13 year old female), and Criminal Sexual Abuse.
To learn more these or other registered sex offenders in Fort Smith you can follow the link to